Ep. 090 - Change Your Life. It's OK. (w. Tiffany Rouge)

You've heard a lot about that ever-so decisive moment where your desires, ambitions, curiosity and fear of the unknown all come down to a very simple but nonetheless frightening moment.

In the catalog of words that could be used to refer to this make-it or break-it instance in one's journey, my guest actually chose to boil it down to its simplicity : she calls it The Leap.

As a seasoned radio announcer, podcaster, audio production queen and cake lover, Tiffany Rouge, who'd much rather go by Tiff, was a real treat to have on the podcast to talk about this very impactful topic.

In this gray area called Life, Tiff aims to add a little bit of color which she does so delightfully whether on the air or on her amazing Miss Adventurous podcast where she publishes conversations that will make you see the world in a different, profound perspective.

In this conversation, we get a front row seat as Tiff shares her very real and honest journey after deciding to quite literally take the proverbial Leap towards a new chapter, a new life and new beginnings.

You can connect with Tiff via her official Instagram page, Facebook page and official website

You can download the MP3 for this episode by right-clicking here and choosing "Save As"

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