Ep. 127 - Conditioning Your Mind (w. Sarah Rose)

Some people cross your path in Life, you don't ask yourself why - you just open up your mind and heart and you just run with it.

If there's one thing I've learned from these amazing exchanges, it's the fact that there's something to be said for humility and personal truth.

My next guest and I haven't known each other that long but from the very first interaction and throughout  the wonderful opportunities since, I've gotten to know a truly radiating soul.

The calm yet profound sense of presence and mindfulness that Sarah Rose brings into a space is something that cannot be overlooked. Talking with her is both a privilege and experience. You get this sense of intentional clarity and generosity of time and self that encourages you to do the same and reciprocate. Come to think it, this shouldn't really come as a surprise given her background as both a Certified Life Coach, Mindfulness Meditation Teacher as well as a Master in Neurolinguistic Programming.

Through her practice and coaching programs, Sarah aims to help and empower people just like you to train their brains to transform their bodies into the healthiest and happiest they can be.

As a fellow podcaster and host of The Mind Body Academy podcast, THE weight loss podcast for entrepreneurs and business-minded people who want to overcome the struggle with their weight, Sarah aims to make health and happiness the business of how you get ahead in life.

This episode is packed with insightful perspective and genuine energy. We discuss the discomfort of having to be alone with our 'self', embracing the truth of our being with both clarity and acceptance, having the courage to question and reshape our thoughts, the stigma that comes from talking about Mental Health and so much more...

Another amazing conversation which I do hope you'll enjoy.

You can connect with Sarah via Instagram, Facebook as well as her official website.

You can download the MP3 for this episode by right-clicking here and choosing "Save As"

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