Ep. 015 - Stay Dedicated (w. Lemar Martin)

© Claude Bélanger (www.claude-belanger.com) - All Rights Reserved
I've always been big on the importance of physical activity. In a not too distant future, I'll be hitting 40 and if there's anything these two minions that bear my name have convinced me of, it's the fact that your body and its overall maintenance are and should remain a constant priority.

Funny thing about fitness that I've learned throughout the years - it's personal. There is no ONE formula and what works for you is not always the best option for someone else. Goals, schedule, personal commitment, medical history, immediate environment, social conditioning...take your pick - factors are a dime a dozen. Everyone has their own journey. Any my next guest is an honest testament to that simple fact.

Bodybuilder, trainer, entrepreneur and all around awesome individual, Lemar Martin always stood out as a man of great character and a kind heart from the first time I met him back in a past life. With his dedication to fitness and drive to develop his body to its optimal performance, I wanted to connect with Lemar to get his two cents on a couple of tidbits near and dear to my heart such as:

- Dedication as well as Motivation
- Why a coach matters
- Nutrition is key and first on your list. No exceptions.
- The gym is not for everybody
- Know your goals
- Natural vs Artificial growth(both physical as well as mental)
- The Best Workout Motivation Ever by Joe Rogan
...and so much more...

You can connect with Lemar via Instagram & keep up with his latest videos via his YouTube channel.

For a consultation, training programs, meal plans, nutritional needs & more - stop by Atomik Nutriton Brossard or call to book an appointment.

I do hope you enjoy this exchange as we certainly enjoyed bringing it to you.

You can download the MP3 for this episode by right-clicking here and choosing "Save As"

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