Ep. 069 - You Have To Keep Pushing (w. Chef Alain Lemaire)

What I love about these exchanges I have the opportunity and privilege to share with these amazing individuals is the impactful truth and vulnerability that often resonates from their individual stories. The fact that these are some of the brightest and most dedicated souls I get to chat with is also something to mark as noteworthy. I could've taken this recording in quite a few familiar directions and had my next guest talk about his career, beginnings, accolades, awards, achievements, etc... but that's not why I reached out to him. Thing is, this recording happened purely by drop of coincidence as I was catching up on one Chef Alain Lemaire 's recent episodes from his Chef Talk podcast and the topic of the episode, which in itself was a very short one, was not one I would have brushed over. You can hear it for yourself by clicking below to get a sense of what I mean... I've never been shy about talking my personal...