
Showing posts from December, 2021

Ep. 163 - Onward (Year-End Special)(w. guest host: Erika Darbouze)

Welcome back Awesome Tribe! I'm actually incredibly excited to share today's episode with you all. It sounds foolish but the humility and focus that goes into each of these episodes sometimes pulls me away from the obvious - when you do good and send kindness into The Universe, people do notice and incredible things tend to happen. This 'A.T.A' adventure started from nothing - yet, here we are. Still here. Still connecting with incredible guests, having deeper and more meaningful conversations, bringing you the knowledge and insights that I believe will best serve you...and of course being grateful for your amazing support along the way. As we near the end of 2021 and use this year-end tradition to reflect on the year that's been, you guys know it's never easy to decide who I'm going to willingly choose to hand over the 'keys to the Castle' to as I subject myself to the 'Hot Seat'. Fortunately, trust is something Erika Dar

Ep. 162 - Lead With Your Heart (w. Angelo Rubino)

If you're a local quebecer, the name Rubino just might ring a bell seeing as it's one of the most recognizable brands in Quebec.   With its founder, Vincenzo Rubino, diving into the footwear industry some 35 years ago, RUBINO SHOES has since become a landmark as the best option to get branded shoes at the best value.   With a culture rooted in authenticity as well as inclusivity, and with Vincenzo's children having now taken the reins, the company continues to push forward in its mission to be the go-to destination for affordable branded-only footwear by creating a fun, friendly and pressure-free experience for its customers.   I want to make one thing clear : this is not a paid advertisement.   I was incredibly honored to welcome Mr Angelo Rubino , Vice-President of  RUBINO SHOES , as I had become an avid listener of his own podcast aptly named " Un Espresso avec Angelo ".   Having listened to a couple(...Ok, a LOT!) of episodes,  I discovere

Ep. 161 - Wealth Matters (w. Rocky Lalvani)

I'm going to say this outright even though know it'll raise a few eyebrows: Money matters. Coming from a country where the differences between the 'Haves' and the 'Have Nots' were so obvious, I was very well acquainted with the importance of setting yourself up for a proper financial future. Which is why, for this particular episode, I wanted to find someone that I believe would provide the proper vantage point as well as appropriate insight to help me drive this point home. Having emigrated from his native India to the United States with his parents when he was just 3 years old, Rocky Lalvani has seen firsthand what it looks like to build a wealthy lifestyle out of nothing through saving, investing, and spending wisely. Rocky serves as a Chief Profitability Adviser for business owners and is the founder of Profit Comes First . He teaches financial planning and growing one's wealth because that’s what he's done and he doesn't