Ep. 080 - Happy People Work Harder (w. Garen Jemian)

www.garenjemian.com For those of you who've been along for then ride on this little audio adventure of ours, you know that I don't do too much research on my guests as I like to take a chance at getting to know the person across from me with no agenda and or expectation other than to learn from their story, vision and craft. Garen Jemian is one those breed of people who just have that particular kind of energy that you can't quite put your finger on but definitely resonates as both genuine and engaging. As an Executive Coach, Leadership Specialist and published author of the new book " Happy People Work Harder ", Garen has made it his mission to quite simply improve life at work, for leaders as well as their teams, by inspiring positive change and humanising the corporate experience. I was really thinking that this episode was going to be centered on or around the topics of Leadership and Work-Life balance. ...