Ep. 133 - On Marriage & Manhood (w. Max De La Cruz)

It was only going to be a matter of time before I would have him back on the program. From our first recording together, which you most definitely should check out(Ep. 125) , Max De La Cruz and I have certainly aligned on many levels. From the warrior's mindset, to childishly getting a laugh out of the little whimsical things that occur in our everyday lives, to the undeniable demands of fatherhood, to furthering the necessary conversations about mental health among men...I can quite honestly admit I've made a new friend. This next recording is very much the product of this mutual energy and respect. As we were candidly exchanging back and forth over DM, we eventually got to bounce off different observations in regards to another topic we were both quite versed in : Marriage & Long-Term relationships. We realized that a lot of the stuff we were discussing could be useful to people and, as these thi...