Ep. 179 - Let Nothing Stop Your Greatness(w. Russell Westcott)

It's so appropriate to launch this next episode into the Universe. Indeed, the will to serve, despite the fear and excuses that we might tell ourselves to not show up for our loved ones, colleagues, collaborators, clients or otherwise...is often a driving force that many of our guests have in common on this show. As I edited this episode, a renewed feeling of solid dedication and selfless commitment came rushing back as Russell Westcott 's wisdom, warmth and incredible wealth of knowledge reminded me why I do this. One of the nicest people I've had to privilege to have on this program, Russell is a full-time veteran Canadian-based real estate investor, author, inspirational public speaker, devoted husband and loving father who loves teaching and inspiring others to greatness. A small town Saskatchewan boy turned 18year+ Real Estate investing guru, Russell is as down-to-earth as they come. Our conversation was a real gem of sincere kindness. Russell's...