
Showing posts from February, 2018

Ep. 020 - Focus on your 'Why' (w. StyledByPaul)

© Naska Demini ( - All Rights Reserved I've never shied away from admitting what I don't know or doesn't spark my interest. Whether it be cars, real estate, knitting...I understand that this variety of interests, despite our differences and/or disagreements, is what makes us so incredibly colourful as a species.  For me, Fashion has also been right up there with the rest. Like Soccer. I can watch it, respectfully appreciate it - but I just don't get it. Which is why my next guest, Montreal-based Men's Fashion Stylist, StyledByPaul (or just Paul, for short) was such a treat as she definitely embodies the best of both worlds. Her infectious passion (POW-HA!) definitely resonates with me and her expertise is something I wanted to tap into as I could admittedly learn a thing or two. Paul is amazing and talented individual whose time and insight I'm incredibly grateful for.  For me, it's very important to remain both humb...

Ep. 019 - What deserves your time?

One must always acknowledge where your time is allocated in this Age of Distraction. It's the one resource you cannot get back.  At the end of the day, no matter where this boat called Life takes you on your journey, makes sure you're not looking back in a rear-view of accumulated regrets but through a slideshow of singular personal achievements. Enjoy. You can download the MP3 for this episode by  right-clicking here  and choosing "Save As" Stay up to date - Subscribe to the podcast and get the latest episodes as soon they're published. ( Apple Podcasts ) ( Google Play )  ( Spotify )   ( T uneIn )   ( Stitcher )  ( RSS )  Remember to leave a comment and let us know how we're doing. Either on the blog of via email : #StayAwesome

Ep. 018 - Stop underselling the merchandise

A rapid-fire solo episode where I take 2 seconds to look at negative self-talk in the eye. Enjoy. You can download the MP3 for this episode by  right-clicking here  and choosing "Save As" Stay up to date - Subscribe to the podcast ( RSS ) ( iTunes ) ( Google Play ) and get the latest episodes as soon they're published. Remember to leave a comment and let us know how we're doing. Either on the blog of via email : awakentheawesome [at] gmail [dot] com #StayAwesome

Ep. 017 - Algorithmically concerned (Photo Friday Special) w. Dimitri Rousseau

It's nice to get the gang back together again. 2018 is full of surprises and we try to keep things as Awesome as ever with a boatload of new guests, topics and fun-filled spontaneity to round it all up! On this episode, I catch up with my man Dimitri Rousseau ( Vivardy Boursiquot  & Koralie Woodward were unfortunately not available for this recording) and I set out to reflect on a couple a topics that have sparked our mutual interests...such as... - Who still prints? - Has a location's Instagrammability - yes, that's a word - devalued the very allure of Travel Photography?(* Reference article ; via The Guardian) - The rise and decline of popular photography (* Reference article ; by Ming Thein ) - Friends are clients too - Yondr (cell phone Live event lock pouch technology) (* Reference article ; via CBC News) ...and a whole lot more. I do hope you enjoy this exchange as we certainly enjoyed bringing it to you. You can download ...