Ep. 103 - Accept All Parts Of You (w. Pablo J. Rosario)

A really sincere smile and a particular kind of positive energy. That was my first impression of my next guest, Pablo J. Rosario . Pablo is an active professional speaker and relationship coach specializing in helping single men all over the world overcome their individual roadblocks and improve their interpersonal connections, not just with women, but throughout all the various facets of their lives. I especially appreciated our exchange for its candor as Pablo shared his origin story, so to speak, as, like most of the amazing people we've had on this podcast, one can and should make the effort to look to his/her earliest and decisive moments in order to better understand particular patterns. I always enjoy linking up with the kind of individual who makes no apologies for putting his passion and mission at the forefront as he or she aims to serve a genuine sense of purpose. You can't give what...