Ep. 102 - Passion Beyond Borders (w. Naga Subramanya B B)

Before we get things going and and tune in to another incredible exchange...I thought it'd be useful to remind you guys of a couple of things...

Along your journey...you will most certainly...

- find reasons to question why you're doing what you're doing

- encounter numerous situations where things will get rather confusing

- deal with naysayers

- spend many hours...days...months...where the only thing getting you through and on to the next level is your own unshakable resilience

... remember one thing: You are not alone. You are not crazy.

I honestly met my next guest Naga Subramanya only a couple of weeks ago. As curator and host of the The Passion People Podcast, Naga focuses on the stories of people who follow their dream to make their passions manifest in tangible ways.

Naga is also Finance Professional and works on his podcast as he is passionate about meeting new people and sharing their stories with the world. He took a year off in 2016 and wrote all about it in 52 blog posts that he released every week before embarking on this podcast journey.

Our encounter and the conversations that eventually sparked from it, including the one you'll soon hear, have in many ways been a welcome reassurance that no matter how overwhelming the journey, you do not have to go at it alone.

This was a short but impactful conversation filled with a ton of incredible advice for those of us committed to their efforts and putting it the work - every day.

Whether it be podcasting or any personal venture that you dedicate yourself to, when your mission comes from a place of genuine purpose and service, and if you happen to love what you do, incredible encounters will reveal themselves sooner than you think.

You can connect with Naga via Twitter. Also be sure to follow the Passion People Podcast via Twitter or Facebook and be sure to Subscribe/Like/Rate/Share the podcast via Apple Podcasts or wherever you find your favorite podcasts.

You can download the MP3 for this episode by right-clicking here and choosing "Save As"

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  1. It was so excited to be on the show. It was truly a pleasure and honor to be on.



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