Ep. 122 - You Are Not Too Much (w. Dennis Gable)

There are no words to faithfully pinpoint the sense of appreciation I have for my next guest. A connection that happened purely by coincidence has since evolved into a wonderful and growing friendship. Through various exchanges, I got to know an individual whose colourful sense of vulnerability and personal truth, topped off with a personality that some might consider somewhat brash, revealed to be just some of his many endearing qualities. But don't let the foul-mouthed, tattooed, gray-haired, unapologetic persona fool you. Dennis Gable is certainly one of the hardest workers out there. Brand Producer & Consultant, Self-Worth Strategist, Podcaster...just to name a few of his many talents. But to me, it's even more personal - Dennis is a truly courageous and heartwarming individual. The kind whose brutal honesty is a gift rather than a nuisance. You need more people like that in...