Ep. 122 - You Are Not Too Much (w. Dennis Gable)

There are no words to faithfully pinpoint the sense of appreciation I have for my next guest.

A connection that happened purely by coincidence has since evolved into a wonderful and growing friendship.

Through various exchanges, I got to know an individual whose colourful sense of vulnerability and personal truth, topped off with a personality that some might consider somewhat brash, revealed to be just some of his many endearing qualities.

But don't let the foul-mouthed, tattooed, gray-haired, unapologetic persona fool you. Dennis Gable is certainly one of the hardest workers out there. Brand Producer & Consultant, Self-Worth Strategist, Podcaster...just to name a few of his many talents.

But to me, it's even more personal - Dennis is a truly courageous and heartwarming individual. The kind whose brutal honesty is a gift rather than a nuisance. You need more people like that in your corner.

On this episode, Dennis and I exchange on vulnerability, coming to terms with your personal demons, taking ownership of your own responsibility in the process, trauma and recovery...and so much more.

Please be aware that the some of the topics and language might not be suitable for some audiences. Listener discretion is advised.

You can connect with Dennis via Facebook, Instagram, as well as his official website.

Be sure to check out and subscribe to the Self To Society podcast, available on all your favorite podcast platforms.


You can download the MP3 for this episode by right-clicking here and choosing "Save As"

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