
Showing posts from September, 2020

Ep. 136 - Confidently Grounded (w. Naike Saint-Pierre)

Today's episode is a rather heartwarming one. Thing is, when this podcast started, I didn't know what I was getting into. I just simply ran with what I had and made the best of it. Along the journey however, of the many incredible experiences that have come forth, one that has always humbled me is the genuine friendships I've managed to build. Indeed, people who initially started out as perfect strangers, eventually, through the random yet fortunate blessings of The Universe, have become some of the most vocal supporters of this podcast. Which is why I'm particularly thrilled to welcome back my friend, Naike Saint-Pierre , to the podcast. Naike has always stood out to me as a person of amazing energy and wisdom. As a Health Coach, Entrepreneur and Mother, she has always been an example of the many possibilities that are available to us when we align our energy with our purpose. Her passion for smoothies, vegan recipes, crystals and the wonderful gift...

Ep. 135 - Let's Get R.E.A.L (w. Samantha Kris)

  Today's episode is another one of those exceptional conversations where the guest and their amazing insight force me to sit down and take notes. Samantha Kris is an international success coach, as well as a successful author and speaker. By her own account, she thrives in helping others take action. It’s what has powered her business, her book , her incredible TEDx talk , her proprietary goal setting methodology, and every opportunity that followed. Indeed, her REAL Goals™ method of goal setting earned her five promotions in five years, enabled her to double her income in that time, and propelled her into the life of an entrepreneur. With so many achievements, one can certainly agree that her approach and ability to help people and projects realize their full potential has shaped her into a true agent for change. Samantha is also the founder of the Bossing Up movement , a community that empowers each other to harness their hunger for more and create opportunities for themselves ...

Ep. 134 - Clarity & Confidence (w. Karlo Vieux)

Do you truly know the price of Success?  I want you to take a second to ponder on that one...You don't have to give me an answer...but I do expect you to at the very least think about it as we welcome my next guest who, as you'll soon get to hear, has in more ways than one not only paid the price but eventually, after some soul-searching and eventual clarity, decided to say "Enough" and call it a day. As a producer, songwriter, keyboard virtuoso and well-rounded musical talent, Karlo Vieux is a founding member of the iconic, chart-topping Haitian Kompa band CARIMI who, along with fellow founders & bandmates Richard Cavé and Michael Guirand, burst onto the scene with a fresh, innovative sound that shook the airwaves to their core. Whether you were a seasoned or passive Kompa listener back in the day, you had to admit it: there was a new player in town. With Karlo having penned and produced...