Ep. 136 - Confidently Grounded (w. Naike Saint-Pierre)

Today's episode is a rather heartwarming one.

Thing is, when this podcast started, I didn't know what I was getting into. I just simply ran with what I had and made the best of it.

Along the journey however, of the many incredible experiences that have come forth, one that has always humbled me is the genuine friendships I've managed to build. Indeed, people who initially started out as perfect strangers, eventually, through the random yet fortunate blessings of The Universe, have become some of the most vocal supporters of this podcast.

Which is why I'm particularly thrilled to welcome back my friend, Naike Saint-Pierre, to the podcast.

Naike has always stood out to me as a person of amazing energy and wisdom. As a Health Coach, Entrepreneur and Mother, she has always been an example of the many possibilities that are available to us when we align our energy with our purpose.

Her passion for smoothies, vegan recipes, crystals and the wonderful gifts that Nature provides have always helped me see this world around us in a different light.

In these incredibly challenging times, she was definitely the person I wanted to reach out to in order to help me, and hopefully some you, perhaps make better sense of the often overwhelming sense of stress, confusion and toxic internal dialogue that we've become way too familiar with in this 'New Normal'.

On this episode, Naike's calm, nurturing and wise spirit brings some much needed clarity as we discuss healthy mental health habits, protecting your space, confinement while having to take care of your kids and run your business, owning up to your truth...and so much more.

You can connect with Naike via her Instagram page.

You can download the MP3 for this episode by right-clicking here and choosing "Save As"

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