Ep. 160 - Show Up As Your Authentic Self (w. Petrona Joseph)

Today's guest is something of a powerhouse. Indeed, Petrona Joseph has carried numerous titles and prestigious positions to her name such as being the celebrated voice behind the SlayedItMontreal Fashion & Lifestyle blog. She also served as VP of Marketing for Montreal Caribbean Fashion Week while also being named one of Montreal’s 100 Most Influential Women. She is also a published Author and fierce Mental Health Advocate, demystifying mental illness in the Black Community. Because of the current context in which we find ourselves with the COVID-19 pandemic, border-crossing restrictions, social interactions slowly readjusting - I know that a lot of us are deal with their fair share of Mental overwhelm. Which is why I've purposely been talking a lot about Mental Health, Anxiety, Depression and related issues for a couple of episodes now. Petrona uses her influence to create an open and honest dialogue around destigmatizing mental health, making her one...