Ep. 160 - Show Up As Your Authentic Self (w. Petrona Joseph)

Today's guest is something of a powerhouse.

Indeed, Petrona Joseph has carried numerous titles and prestigious positions to her name such as being the celebrated voice behind the SlayedItMontreal Fashion & Lifestyle blog. She also served as VP of Marketing for Montreal Caribbean Fashion Week while also being named one of Montreal’s 100 Most Influential Women.

She is also a published Author and fierce Mental Health Advocate, demystifying mental illness in the Black Community.

Because of the current context in which we find ourselves with the COVID-19 pandemic, border-crossing restrictions, social interactions slowly readjusting - I know that a lot of us are deal with their fair share of Mental overwhelm. Which is why I've purposely been talking a lot about Mental Health, Anxiety, Depression and related issues for a couple of episodes now.

Petrona uses her influence to create an open and honest dialogue around destigmatizing mental health, making her one of the most sought-after speakers on the topic in North America.

A true standout individual not just for her bright and sparkling personality but also, and most importantly, for the incredible amount of work she has done and continues to do as she chooses to use her own story of personal struggle with severe depression and anxiety to serve as a beacon of light for those of us still in the dark.

I want to thank Petrona for her time and humbling vulnerability. Giving us the strength to look in the mirror - and smile...genuinely, freely and courageously.

You can connect with Petrona through her various outlets around the web such as Facebook or Instagram.

Be sure to grab a copy of her latest book "Stigmatized: Breaking the Silence and Demystifying Mentall Illness" available now on Amazon.


#StayAwesome #ATATribe

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