Ep. 161 - Wealth Matters (w. Rocky Lalvani)

I'm going to say this outright even though know it'll raise a few eyebrows: Money matters.

Coming from a country where the differences between the 'Haves' and the 'Have Nots' were so obvious, I was very well acquainted with the importance of setting yourself up for a proper financial future.

Which is why, for this particular episode, I wanted to find someone that I believe would provide the proper vantage point as well as appropriate insight to help me drive this point home.

Having emigrated from his native India to the United States with his parents when he was just 3 years old, Rocky Lalvani has seen firsthand what it looks like to build a wealthy lifestyle out of nothing through saving, investing, and spending wisely.

Rocky serves as a Chief Profitability Adviser for business owners and is the founder of Profit Comes First. He teaches financial planning and growing one's wealth because that’s what he's done and he doesn't want you to make the same mistakes he's made. 

Having personally experienced what it takes to achieve the American Dream, Rocky reminds us that Money is a tool. It can open countless doors if managed well. Without understanding money, he admits that his father would not have been able to sustain a family in America. His mission as a Financial Coach, simply put, is to help you build an abundant life.

He is also a happily married father of two as well as the host of two successful podcasts : Richer Soul and The Profit Answer Man podcast.

I really enjoyed this conversation. Simply because it was so fun to sit across from someone so incredibly knowledgeable of the topic yet with the down-to-earth demeanor as well as humility to bring some useful concepts down to a digestible level.

Another exciting conversation which I do hope you'll enjoy. 

You can connect with Rocky by visiting his website or following him on Facebook, TwitterInstagram. & Linkedin.

#StayAwesome #ATATribe

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