
Showing posts from 2022

Ep. 181 - Live Your Best Life For You (w. Dionne Nicholls)

A third appearance on the show is certainly something to acknowledge and celebrate. When certain guests have been such a profound source of support and collaboration, you let them know.  It's a true honour to welcome back today's guest on the program.  Dionne Nicholls is a professional coach trained through Accomplishment Coaching. From being estranged from her father for years as he was diagnosed with schizophrenia, to giving birth to a son with a rare heart condition, to feeling stuck in a 20-year career and having her 17-year relationship end in betrayal, Dionne knows very well that she does not look like what she's been through. And, that's the point. After an extensive journey of self-reflection and seeking the meaning of why she was put on this planet starting in 2014, she came to the realization that the gift she had to bring to the party of life was JOY. Following a successful 20-year career in the fashion industry, co-founding...

Ep. 179 - Let Nothing Stop Your Greatness(w. Russell Westcott)

It's so appropriate to launch this next episode into the Universe. Indeed, the will to serve, despite the fear and excuses that we might tell ourselves to not show up for our loved ones, colleagues, collaborators, clients or often a driving force that many of our guests have in common on this show. As I edited this episode, a renewed feeling of solid dedication and selfless commitment came rushing back as Russell Westcott 's wisdom, warmth and incredible wealth of knowledge reminded me why I do this. One of the nicest people I've had to privilege to have on this program, Russell is a full-time veteran Canadian-based real estate investor, author, inspirational public speaker, devoted husband and loving father who loves teaching and inspiring others to greatness. A small town Saskatchewan boy turned 18year+ Real Estate investing guru, Russell is as down-to-earth as they come. Our conversation was a real gem of sincere kindness. Russell's...

Ep. 178 - Embrace both The Light & The Dark (w. Clara Luce Lafond)

One of the things I really feel a lot of us are really struggling with these past few years is the fact that we do not take the necessary time to really - and I mean REALLY - get to know and appreciate ourselves. ā€˜Self-Loveā€™ has really become a buzzword as of late and in the grand scheme of things, as is often the case, I realize that a lot of people simply toss it around cause it sounds nice. Thatā€™s unfortunate. If people truly realized how much power lies in harnessing the beauties as well as imperfections that make up the sum of their wonderful being, they would probably spend a bit more time catering to that.  I say this wholeheartedly because I am witnessing a lot of people I care about sluggishly dragging their feet in the sand when it comes to their journey simply because theyā€™re being admittedly weighed down by other peopleā€™s opinions of them. I call Foul. Fortunately, todayā€™s guest is a person whom Iā€™ve long admired for her deep-rooted sense of self-wor...

Ep. 177 - Collaboration is Great Business (w. Dave & Dillon Mysliwiec)

Working with family can be a shot in the dark sometimes as even the closest relatives can become damaging business partners. Fortunately, that was not the case for Dave & Dillon Mysliwiec , respectively CEO of The Upstate Sound & President of Upstate Management. From what I've learned, if want to build a successful business, be it an impressive record label carving its own path in the industry or a growing music management empire, will most certainly take time, patience, sacrifice and a solid sense of dedication. But if you're lucky enough to count on your family as part of your close circle of collaborators - that's a precious bonus. The palpable synergy and mutual respect that these two brothers shared during our exchange was surely only a glimpse of the tremendous bond between them: Dave being the infectiously energetic and fearless creative, and Dillon being the savvy & tactical Marketing expert, they're quite the dynamic duo. One o...

Ep. 176 - Cater To Your Mission

On this Solo episode -  Coming back from a short afternoon walk and wanted to share some thoughts with you guys on the importance to mind our actions - ALL our actions - in regards to the greater picture. #StayAwesome #ATATribe - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Connect with us // Facebook : Instagram : Telegram : Email : - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - You can download the MP3 for this episode by right-clicking here   and choosing "Save As" Stay up to date - Subscribe to the podcast and get the latest episodes as soon they're published. ( RSS ) ( Apple Podcasts )  ( Amazon )  ( Google Podcasts )  ( Spotify )   ( T uneIn )   ( Stitcher ) Remember to leave a comment and let us know how we're doing. Either on the blog of via email : #StayAwesom...

Ep. 175 - Risk Is Life (w. Erich Leidums)

I genuinely freaked out the first time I saw a short video that today's guest, Erich Leidums , shared of his young daughter on skis...going down a hill... As a Haitian, living in Canada...and even though I enjoy winter...winter Sports such as skiing, snowboarding, skating etc...frighten the living daylights out of me. And I'll be perfectly honest - not that I've ever tried. I'm just scared. Period. But that's the thing isn't it? As loving parents, we love our children and we take our role as providers and caretakers seriously. Oftentimes a bit too seriously. And the unfortunate result is that we have the potential to burden their experiences with our fears and doubts. And that's how I caught myself watching that little video... " can they let such a small kid do that?..." "...what if she falls?..." ...and all other sorts of judgemental/reactionary thoughts that I'm certain Erich has had to be the target of ov...

Ep. 170 - Be Outstanding (w. Chef Alain Lemaire)

Welcome back Awesome Tribe! We've got an undeniable OG guest on the podcast this time around! I am pleased to roll out the virtual red carpet and set the stage for my good friend, Executive Chef Alain Lemaire . You always hold a special place in your heart for those individuals who, even with their incredibly busy schedules and not evolving in the same industry as yours, still found the time to show you support and believe in you and your crazy venture. So, for Alain to always accept to come back and share his insights on the podcast is not only a treat but also an honor. As accomplished as he is, you wonder how he does it all: Award-winning Executive Chef, Entrepreneur, Business Owner, Speaker, Mentor, Media Personality, Coach - and most recently featured as Head Chef on the premiere episode of the second Season of " Luda Can't Cook " (starring Chris "Ludacris" Bridges ) now airing  on Discovery+ . One cannot withhold the incredible ...

Ep. 169 - The Masculine Warrior (w. Malcolm)

This is one of those recordings that I'm ready and willing to admit I didn't really know what I'd come out with on the other end. But when you see someone doing great work and giving their all for a cause that you also believe in, you reach out and say Hello. I came across Malcolm 's content a few weeks ago and being an active supporter of Men's work over the past few years myself, I felt compelled to reach out and show some love. As a coach and co-founder of the MALE MTL community & Men's group, I had to tip my hat off to Malcolm for his involved and genuine commitment to creating a space of safe communication, bonding and support for the Men out there who truly feel they have no space or place to speak the truth of their emotions or concerns. Malcolm is one of those calm, genuine and attentive souls that you just can't ignore. Our conversation, as impromptu as it was, stands as a true testament to what happens when like-minded souls...

Ep. 165 - Roll The Dice (w. Kevin Jordan)

I don't know who coined it but I'm pretty sure many of you have heard about the often stated notion that public speaking ranks incredibly high on most people lists of greatest fears. I'm not too versed on the statistics but if we're going to take this as a fact, then we can agree that there's a particular category of public speakers that most certainly hold their own as modern day Spartans in this arena. I've always admired stand up comics. Not just for the sheer audacity and courage it must take to show your face to a group of people who whether they know it or not, are armed and able to skewer and decimate not just your material, but also your mental strength, resilience and self-esteem. It's a career path that by all comparisons, when you deconstruct it, could be considered lunacy. But, if you're a fan like me, you cannot set aside the incredible sense of pride one must have for the craft to literally put it all out on the line and...

Ep. 164 - One MAJOR shift you should make

Welcome back Awesome Tribe! On this solo episode - One of the MAJOR and necessary steps you MUST make in order to elevate. #StayAwesome #ATATribe You can download the MP3 for this episode by right-clicking here   and choosing "Save As" Stay up to date - Subscribe to the podcast and get the latest episodes as soon they're published. ( RSS ) ( Apple Podcasts ) ( Google Podcasts )  ( Spotify )   ( T uneIn )   ( Stitcher ) Remember to leave a comment and let us know how we're doing. Either on the blog of via email : #StayAwesome