Ep. 178 - Embrace both The Light & The Dark (w. Clara Luce Lafond)

One of the things I really feel a lot of us are really struggling with these past few years is the fact that we do not take the necessary time to really - and I mean REALLY - get to know and appreciate ourselves.

‘Self-Love’ has really become a buzzword as of late and in the grand scheme of things, as is often the case, I realize that a lot of people simply toss it around cause it sounds nice.

That’s unfortunate. If people truly realized how much power lies in harnessing the beauties as well as imperfections that make up the sum of their wonderful being, they would probably spend a bit more time catering to that. 

I say this wholeheartedly because I am witnessing a lot of people I care about sluggishly dragging their feet in the sand when it comes to their journey simply because they’re being admittedly weighed down by other people’s opinions of them. I call Foul.

Fortunately, today’s guest is a person whom I’ve long admired for her deep-rooted sense of self-worth, undeniable personal truth and unapologetic commitment to show up to the world as her own authentic self.

Clara Luce Lafond takes no prisoners on that front. Whether you follow her on social media or have the chance to share a conversation with her off-line, there’s no questioning her strong conviction that we have duty to embrace our greatness on all facets, what she calls the Light & the Dark, if we are to live our lives to the its fullest. And if such a conviction should for some reason occasionally rub others' sensibilities the wrong way - well,...tough shit.

This conversation is not your typical exchange. Clara and I dive deep into certain concepts of spirituality, energy, and personal truth that might leave some of you scratching your heads a bit. 

But as always, I invite to keep an open mind, both of heart and empathy, as some of the topics we discuss are worth their weight in perspective.

Also, I'd like to ask for your kind indulgence as today's recording suffered some technical difficulties which resulted in some choppy audio in certain parts. But, as always, out of respect for the guest's generous time and availability, I chose to keep the editing to a minimum in order to preserve as much of Clara's powerful message as possible. 

Be sure to reach out and connect with Clara directly via her Instagram page.

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