Ep. 108 - Fearless Dreamer (w. Tim Kriegler)

© HAM (IG : @hamshoot ) - All Rights Reserved From my hotel room, on a short holiday with the family, I turned on the TV and caught a rebroadcast of the 39th edition of the Festival Mondial du Cirque de Demain , a yearly extravaganza which I would later discover to be a reference, listed on the agendas of all those who love Circus including artists, agents, producers and fans of the circus arts. There were a few acts before the one that led the following conversation, but there was something about this one in particular that stopped me in my tracks and caught my attention. I'm not sure if it was the performer's young age, his emotional performance, the incredible sense of concentration and skill displayed, or how my impression of what the human body was capable of was utterly thrown for a loop... As a seasoned Aerial Straps and Handbalancing artist, Tim Kriegler showed...