Ep. 107 - Breathe Into Your Purpose (w. Ama Makeda)

A lot of people have pushed me to reach out and have this next guest on the program.
If there's one thing I've learned over the course of these exchanges and amazing opportunities, it's that you do not force The Universe...you have to trust it. As long as your intentions remain true, you realize that everything eventually does happen in due time.

This next conversation was a perfect example of this very simple fact.

Ama Makeda is one of those incredibly genuine individuals that you'd be wise not to try to define. Instead, you're better off doing the natural, human thing and just take in the fact that, even though you might not know much about each other, these "differences" are exactly where the beauty and innocence of the Human Spirit lie.

As a Certified Yoga Teacher, Poet, Artist and Mother, Ama is definitely the right person to speak to as we're all getting caught up in this whirlwind of goal-setting, redefining ourselves, with the 'New Year/New You' in full effect...

I wanted to pull the brakes a bit and connect with someone who, in her own words, has never once had the sense to question who she was or how she should be. Someone who, from a very young age, had the maturity to own her sense of self and practice ongoing acceptance.
Something I believe more people should put into practice.

You can connect with Ama via Instagram, Facebook as well as her official website.


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