Ep. 010 - Ethically Speaking (Photo Friday Special - Roundtable)

Ho Boy! We picked a doozie this time.

Ethics in Photojournalism...Sounds simple enough, doesn't it?

Where does one you start? From the moral standards to be upheld by publications, to the expectation of Truth, to the every increasing pressure to make your photos stand out while adhering to more rigorous standards...
We dive in and we dive deep.
As always, on this "Roundtable" Photo Friday episode, I am joined 2 of my 3 trusted advisors and fellow enthusiasts, namely Vivardy Boursiquot and Dimitri Rousseau (*Koralie Woodward could not join us this time around) as we attempt to throw our humble yet enthusiastic hats into the ring and try our luck at taming this impressive beast of a subject in our own curious way.

You can connect with Dimitri via his Instagram.

You can connect with Vivardy via his website or Instagram as well.

You can download the MP3 for this episode by right-clicking here and choosing "Save As"

**Some resources and show notes discussed in this episode include but not limited to...

- The National Press Photographers Association Code of Ethics

- This very insightful talk by New York-based photojournalist, Natan Dvir

- The Steve McCurry Scandal (via PetaPixel)

Revisionist History - S2E4 (Malcolm Gladwell podcast) : The Footsoldier of Birmingham

- The New York Post <Doomed> cover controversy

- World Press Photo 2017 Photo of The Year

I do hope you enjoy this exchange as we certainly enjoyed bringing it to you.

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awakentheawesome [at] gmail [dot] com



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