Ep. 085 - Do What You're Called To Do (w. Brad Bodnarchuk)

Purpose is a truly precious thing. The word gets thrown around a lot but, in my experience, it's rather elusive from how often misunderstood it happens to be.

My next guest, Brad Bodnarchuk, just happens to know a thing or two about this very common yet decisive intersection in one's journey towards growth and purpose.

With a love for both people and food dating back as far as he can remember,  suffice to say that Brad is a veteran of the food industry. Having since switched gears of sorts, his current mission has him working alongside restaurateurs as an established restaurant consultant  specializing in Team management, Branding, Marketing, and Planning, bridging the obvious yet often overlooked gap between a food service operation's unique set of challenges and opportunities.

As a successful Entrepreneur, Business owner, father and host of the very successful Half A Dozen Hospitality podcast, Brad has set a course for himself that clearly expresses his sense of personal truth and courageous growth.

When you're fortunate enough to live, breathe, and embrace your purpose, you've got the makings of a very blessed life indeed.

You can connect with Brad via his official Instagram page as well as his official website

You can download the MP3 for this episode by right-clicking here and choosing "Save As"

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