Ep. 124 - Brilliance, Blues & Blessings (w. Dr. Katherine Quie)

The most honest thing one can do in terms of catering to your personal growth is admitting what you don't know. Having the vulnerability to approach things with both humility as well as curiosity is a big step.

I did not know about ADHD. I'd heard about the condition and like everyone else, had my own pre-conceived notion of what it was.

Parenting is about trial and error. When our daughter started displaying some particular character traits and noticeable signs such as absent-mindedness, hyperactivity, fidgeting...I can't say I picked up on it at first glance. My wife had her concerns but I was the one to brush things off as benign childish behaviour. 

I had to admit there was more to it. I felt I had a responsibility to put in the time, patience and empathy not to judge, or throw my hands up in resignation but actually shift my perspective and hopefully give myself, and my daughter the necessary tools that would help rather than hinder her.

Which is why I was thrilled when Dr. Katherine Quie, PhD, LP graciously accepted my invitation to be a guest the podcast. 

As a Texan-turned-Minnesotan, with a passion in supporting youth and families impacted by ADHD, Katherine is a licensed child and adolescent psychologist with more than 20 years of experience specializing in pediatric neuropsychological assessment and treating children with developmental disorders, such as ADHD and Autism.

As a speaker, advocate and creative spirit, Katherine is also a caring, married mother of two and the author of the touching memoir "Raising Will: Surviving the Brilliance and Blues of ADHD", where she chronicles her own, truthful journey of navigating the zigs, zags and in-betweens of parenting a child with ADHD.

I want to thank Katherine for her time and knowledgeable insight in helping this humble dad do better by his little girl. Another amazing conversation which I hope you'll enjoy.

You can connect with Katherine via FacebookInstagram, as well as her official website.

You can download the MP3 for this episode by right-clicking here and choosing "Save As"

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