Ep. 082 - Give from your overflow (w. Talmadge Spicer)

It's a pleasure to welcome back the inimitable and always inspiring Mr Talmadge Spicer on the podcast.

"Uncle Sunny" as he's know throughout most circles was a blast to connect with on his last appearance. It was only a matter of time before we'd manage to align The Universe in order to allow us a second round at an amazing exchange.

On this episode, we share honestly and openly about our thoughts on acceptance, inner conflict, destructive dialogue, giving from 'your cup', energy, being You for You and so much more...

You guys are gonna enjoy this one, I assure you.

You can connect with Talmadge via his official Instagram page as well as his official Facebook page

You can download the MP3 for this episode by right-clicking here and choosing "Save As"

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