Ep. 086 - Stronger People are Harder to Kill (w. Dave Morrow)

I have a tremendous respect for the Military. Truly. 

Anytime you want to take an example where values of commitment, consistency and teamwork are the core elements of the job at hand - you can't leave out those individuals, men and women, whose service and sacrifice allow us the freedoms that we enjoy and oftentimes take for granted.

I had to opportunity to meet and connect with my next guest, Mr Dave Morrow (M.A., BSc., BEd., CD), at a recent Rogers Small Business Centres Speaker Series event.

It was my first time ever attending an actual networking event so I didn't quite know what to expect out of it but after the keynote, we got to chat up about about mutual interests.

As it goes with most people I've had on this program, Dave had a really cool story to tell.

From being a fifteen year veteran of the Canadian Armed Forces, an Afghan war veteran, to being a teacher, which also ranks one of those selfless vocations we talked about, as well as a Crossfit dad...you'd think that quite enough to talk about.

But no, there's more - as the author of The Nimble Warrior, a guide serving the veteran and first-responder community towards increasing performance and reducing injury, Dave is also the host of the HRD2KILL podcast where he and an amazing array guests share their stories of mindset, grit, resilience and other essential skills for a strong way of life.

Another amazing conversation which I do hope you'll enjoy.

You can connect with Dave via his official Instagram page as well as his official website

Show some love - Buy Dave's book on Amazon

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