Ep. 091 - Parenting...Truthfully (w. Emmanuelle Elie)

When they say 'you should check on your strong friend', that is very true. Immediate family, relatives, close friends...do we ever really know how the other person is doing or what they're going through?

This is a close description of how one text from me to my long-time friend, Emmanuelle Elie, led to this very emotionally-charged episode.

When all I did was send a random, fun-filled 'Hi/How're you?'...I wasn't prepared for the reply.

Emmanuelle sent me a photo from her hospital bed. With a short comment that went along the lines of : "...when we give everything to our children ...and neglect our own health...been in the hospital for 3 days..."

That shook me. In more ways than one. A lot of them having to do whith the fact that Emma, stands on her own as a dedicated, nurturing and tireless mother.

The thing about parenting and having kids, is that you hear a lot about the love, patience, sacrifice...
...but as anyone with children will tell you: you can't really understand until you're really in it.

Emma reached out to me as she wanted to share her very honest thoughts about the side of parenting and motherhood that often gets brushed off to the side for the benefit of being the best parents we can be...but at a cost that, left unchecked, can have some pretty heavy consequences.

A powerful exchange where one has to also realize than even superheroes need a helping hand.

You can connect with Emma via her official Instagram page

You can download the MP3 for this episode by right-clicking here and choosing "Save As"

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