Ep. 110 - A Clear Why Overcomes Any How (w. Alain Guillot)

The world is a lot smaller than you think and the connections we have the opportunity to make with the vast array of people that make it so amazing in the first place turns out to be something one should take notice of.

If I had simply brushed off our first interaction as one of those random 'Likes' or comments you get and not even consider it as a second thought, chances are pretty high that I would have surely missed out on a truly special kind of friendship.

With all the proverbial 'noise' going around Social Media, it's easy to overlook that fact that there are actual people on the other end. People, just like you, with a sense of curiosity, dreams, ambitions, motivations, opinions and personal perspectives that are quite the discovery if you take the time to get curious and just listen.

To say that Alain Guillot wears many hats is an understatement - case in point: Photographer, Real Estate Investor, Podcaster, Dance Instructor, Speaker, and Author.

...and here I was thinking I had a full plate.

On this episode, Alain and I have a candid and energetic exchange about his journey to Canada from his native Colombia, the importance of a proper mindset when dealing against the odds, being open to different experiences, staying committed...and so much more.

You can connect with Alain via Linkedin, FacebookYouTube as well as his official website.

Also, be sure to grab a copy of Alain's new book on Amazon.


You can download the MP3 for this episode by right-clicking here and choosing "Save As"

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