Ep. 116 - Warrior's Journey (w. Black Voodoo X)

© Naska Demini (http://www.naskademini.com) - All Rights Reserved
Greatness does not happen within the constraints of your comfort zone. I've come to learn this as a fact and, slowly but surely, am leaning in more and more into both accepting and applying it.

This was pretty much the catalyst that led to today's very particular exchange. I've been aware of my next guest throughout his various projects for a long time.

You could say he's a local celebrity of sorts. Having led the Montreal-based Haiti Ball Hockey Team to a World Championship in 2015, he's no stranger to overcoming the odds.

As a fierce entrepreneur, he is both the creator and host of the successful Voodoo Rendez-Vous YouTube series where he merges his intense, engaging personality with his love of broadcasting, community and culture.

He also a serves a Treasurer & Board Member of Fonds 1804 - a local non-profit doing great things in regards to empowering struggling secondary school students to persevere and achieve their academic goals.

But, in his words, as you'll soon get to hear, Ainslie Bien-Aimé, who most commonly goes by the familiar moniker, Black Voodoo X, is also a committed father, ferociously passionate about his kids and their overall success along their journey.
© Barnabé Solon (IG : @tatosolon) - All Rights Reserved
For many reasons, some obvious, some surprising, including one that really came outta nowhere toward the end, this was a very special recording for me. You could say it was because, with Black's incredible support and eagerness to force me to try something new, this was my first time doing an in-person interview, which is saying something. But, if I had to place it, I think it's because I got to meet an individual whose singular energy and willingness to completely open up about the truth of his success was a very touching experience. 

When similar, powerful energies align in the same space, you notice.

Check out the full interview on YouTube below


You can connect with Black via Instagram & Facebook.

On-Set Photography: Barnabé Solon

Kremas (Spirits): Glacée International

Custom Drinkware/Etching: PatMan Design

You can download the MP3 for this episode by right-clicking here and choosing "Save As"

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  1. Atapodcast 4 life baby!!! you are the true warrior! be blessed brother!!!


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