Ep. 141 - Mentoring Greatness (w. Coach Raymond Ndjonok Tonye)

One thing about success that we can all surely agree on is that despite the fact that you can go at it alone, it sure helps if you can rely on someone with the knowledge and experience to guide you and make your journey a bit smoother along the way.

As my next guest will tell you, this is especially relevant in the realm of professional sports where so many of our youths too often find themselves blindsided by the allure of fame and glory without factoring in some other aspects that come into play such as character and accountability.

Coach Raymond Ndjonok Tonye has a comprehensive and unique personal as well as professional background. From being an elite Canadian student-athlete who earned a full athletic scholarship to attend the University of Northern Colorado and play NCAA Division I Football, he knows firsthand how the power of sports can influence a person's life when approached with the right plan, structure and mindset.

A captivating public speaker, student-athlete, mentor, coach and strength & conditioning specialist certified through the National Strength & Conditioning Association (NSCA), Coach Ray is the Founder and Managing Director of the XC10 Sports & Leadership Center, where his 20+ years of experience in a competitive sports environment as a student-athlete, coach and mentor have proven quite essential tools in both understanding as well as catering to the goals, perspectives and reality of student-athletes and their parents alike.

On this episode, Coach Ray shares his insights on navigating the delicate balance between ego and humility, his unshakeable commitment to his students-athletes, recognizing the importance of academics just as much as athletics, accountability both on and off the field, the importance of making your bed...and so much more.


You can connect with Coach Ray via Instagram as well as his official website.

You can download the MP3 for this episode by right-clicking here and choosing "Save As"

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