Ep. 126 - Open Your Heart & Let It Be (w. Benoit Chalifoux)

When you have the opportunity to come across someone who knows more than you do and who's willing to share their knowledge with you, take my advice and just remember to do these two very simple things : Shut Up & Listen. Otherwise, you will most likely miss out on some pretty amazing piece of truth and valuable information which, in all honesty, could definitely change your life. 

This next conversation was no different.

Benoit Chalifoux is a highly sought-after international speaker with well over 500 conferences(and counting) given to various companies of all sizes spread across North America, Africa and Europe.    

He serves as Deputy Director of International Affairs at the School of Management of the University of Quebec in Montreal(ESG UQAM).

As a seasoned Lecturer, his expertise covers a vast array of noteworthy topics ranging from Entrepreneurship, to Business Development and Cross-Cultural Management as well as his admittedly personal favorite: Soft Skills.

He holds an Executive Master in Business (EMBA) Degree from the Université Paris Dauphine as well as an MBA & BAA from the University of Quebec in Montreal.

Benoit is also the co-author of the recently published "Saisir Sa Chance"(Seize your chance), a book that skillfully displays the similarities and tactics that can be taken from the world of sports and be successfully applied in the the arenas of entrepreneurship and business.

On this episode, Benoit's infectious passion and genuine willingness to share his expertise forces me to take notes as we dive into the topic of Soft Skills, Emotional Intelligence, Self Actualization, Mindset Shift...and so much more. 

I learned a lot on this one and hopefully so will you. Enjoy

You can connect with Benoit via LinkedIn as well as his official website.

You can download the MP3 for this episode by right-clicking here and choosing "Save As"

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