Ep. 142 - Open Your Heart & Embrace Fear (w. Cam MacDougall)

I was pretty much convinced that this conversation was going to be about Fitness, Nutrition, Breath Work and healthy habits.

Seeing as how my next guest's expertise revolves around these topics, you'd be forgiven for assuming that it'd be an easy fit for a conversation.

However, as these things do, 5mn into it...those assumptions took a Swan Dive out the window.

This is why I'm always honest when I tell people I never really know where these conversations are gonna go even when I hit Record. And today's exchange can serve as yet another example as to why that's actually a good thing.

As High Performance, Breath & Strength Coach, Cam MacDougall and I had never actually met or exchanged before this call. But as soon as we got into it, I was introduced to a guy with a troubled past, a colourful journey, some pretty liberating truths as well as a sense of purpose I had never experienced before.

Filled with an honest, vulnerable account of his journey, wise observations, lessons learned from his 'blemishes'(not 'mistakes') and incredibly palpable Love for others...this conversation was a special one.

On this episode, we talk about recognizing the signs when your environment no longer serves you, redefining masculinity, acceptance of others but most importantly yourself, and so much more.

You can connect with Cam via Instagram as well as his official website.


You can download the MP3 for this episode by right-clicking here and choosing "Save As"

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