Ep. 143 - Fulfillment Through Clarity (w. Michael Cazayoux)

Every time I hit 'Publish' and an episode gets released into The Universe, I often take pause - and realize that it's still there. I'm talking about that wonderful sense of excitement, gratitude, and respect that has always characterized every one of these amazing interviews.

It's a humbling thing to realize that, behind the achievements, the celebrity, the notoriety, the expertise, if one is willing to humble yourself and listen, you have the opportunity to get to know an incredible human being.

Today's guest is no different.

I had been a big fan of my next guest for a really long time as I greatly admired this warrior's journey.

As a back-to-back CrossFit Games World Cup Champion(2012, 2013) Michael Cazayoux is no stranger to the importance of one's mindset when overcoming seemingly insurmountable obstacles.

As a Coach, being well-accustomed to the unique process of self-examination, he specializes in helping clients “get out of their own way” by identifying self-limiting beliefs and ineffective behaviors. He could certainly draw from personal experience as at the age of 17, Michael moved from a small town in Louisiana to Utah for drug rehabilitation to overcome his addiction to opiates. It was that experience that led him to fall in love with CrossFit and most importantly helping others on a personal level through coaching and mentoring.

In 2014, Michael co-founded Brute Strength, a company that specializes in developing physical training programs for athletes. Over the years, he has coached A-List NFL and MLB players as well as CrossFit Games athletes in everything from power and speed development to injury prevention, nutrition and mindset. 

He also started the Brute Strength Podcast(which was recently rebranded as The Michael Caz Podcast)  where he’s interviewed many of the biggest names in health and fitness and has reached nearly 5 million downloads.

In 2015, Michael met his wife, Adee, founder/CEO of Working Against Gravity(WAG),an online nutrition consulting program dedicated to helping athletes and everyday people transform their lives. 

Having sold Brute Strength to his business partner in 2018, Michael is now acting full-time president of WAG where he currently focuses on marketing, leadership and nutrition coaching..

On this impactful episode, Michael shares his incredible perspective on commitment, acceptance, compassion, parenting, dedication and so much more. A jam-packed episode, which I do hope you'll enjoy.

You can connect with Michael via Instagram as well the WAG official website.

You can download the MP3 for this episode by right-clicking here and choosing "Save As"

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