Ep. 059 - Joyfully Grateful (w. Naïké Saint-Pierre)

It's an incredible occurence to come across a soul you can definitely label as 'genuine'.

Naïké Saint-Pierre, throughout her mission as a health coach, enthusiastic promoter of plant-based eating habits, and very creative lover of crystals, has certainly stood out in that regard.

A person with a spiritual sense of Self, simplicity and contentment that you can only feel enlightened by. What I came away with was a simple, honest yet heartwarming exchange which I was truly grateful for.

You can connect with Naïké via Instagram on both her personal page and/or other account, Love Your Crystal, highlighting her beautiful creations.

You can also check out some various articles highlighting Naïké's wisdom and journey both here and here.

I do hope you enjoy this conversation as we've enjoyed bringing it to you.

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